Sunday Darkwave Frame (Broc Raiford Sig)

$354.99 $389.99

Broc Raiford's signature Darkwave 

The Darkwave is not only 100% built out of 4130 chromoly, but it also features Sunday's signature dent-resistant wave down tube to give riders a little extra peace of mind when things don't go according to plan. It stays looking clean with refined details like an integrated seat clamp, tapered stays, and integrated chain tensioners. Removable brake hardware and gyro tabs are also available when you need them and disappear when you don't.

Broc’s preference in geometry gave the Darkwave a 75.25° head tube angle for keeping the front end responsive, and a slammed 13.25” chainstay combined with a 9.25” standover to give it the proper balance of pop and stability.

All this makes the Darkwave an affordable and versatile signature frame that's designed to handle Broc's 4 foot high bunnyhops, massive drops, and all the tech combos in between.


  • 100% 4130 chromoly frame
  • Broc Raiford signature geometry.
  • Removable U-brake hardware and Gyro tabs
  • Integrated seat clamp
  • Wave Down Tube:
    Down tube dents are common with the competitor's frames and they significantly weaken the front end of your bike. The double-butted, 1.45" diameter down-tube feature Sunday's proven Wave shaping to fight denting against contact made from a rail, ledge, coping and whatever else happens to get thrown at it.
  • Butted Seat Tube & Miter Cut Top Tube:
    The seat tube is where all three triangles of the frame meet and it is crucial to keep this junction strong.
  • Tapered Chain & Seat Stays:
    Both chain and seat stays taper to provide a refined and clean look to the frame while still providing strength. They are both angled on the inside for improved chain clearance and weight savings.
  • Hollow Dropouts with Chain Tensioners:
    Hollow 8mm wide dropouts are as light as a solid 5mm dropout, but over twice as strong. There is a small internal chain tensioner to hold the wheel in position and to simplify wheel removal.


Top Tube Lengths: 20.75", 21", or 21.25"
Head Tube Angle: 75.25°
Seat Tube Angle: 71°
Chainstay Length: 13.25-13.5"
Bottom Bracket Height: 11.75"
Standover: 9.25"
Tire Clearance: 2.4”
Head Tube Length: 5.1”

By Sunday

Color: Black/Grey Fade

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Here we go!! Let’s say goodbye to winter the right way by ending it with “The Best Jam Ever” @circuit_bmx_shop @bcavecru @theedgeindoorskatepark are putting this together to bring the fun to New England. Sunday March 2nd. Read the flyer for details. More sponsors to come. Thanks to @deweylamarre for getting this flyer done and for lighting this one up. See you there. #circuitbmx #newenglandbmx #bestjamever
Connecticut shredder/Rhode Island transplant @andrew_macconnie knows the best way to start a new year is with a trip to Rays and a fresh @sandmbicycles @irodetoday  Rambler T&T.  This machine is woods ready.
2024 @digbmx issue is in the shop and shipping today. Stoked to have Vermonts favorite sugarmaker  representing us. @jamie_cooperellis 📸 @cappsie  #circuitbmx #digbmx #fdrskatepark
As the year comes to an end and we go into our nineteenth year of running Circuit as a bmx shop,I think about the past year and how amazing it truly was. We want to say thank you for the support in 2024 and we are ready for 2025 with more jams and events to keep the scene thriving.  From Vic, Cara and Chris- We love you and we love BMX!  #circuitbmx
Where in the world is @alexpm ?  He’s in R.I. building up a new rig and heading west to build more bike parks. This dude gets around but we always like when he’s around here. Thanks for the support Alex. New @fitbikeco Matrix Frame and a new @profile_racing wheelset will get you rolling right. #circuitbmx
@elih401 with the deep end roast at the @friendsofnewportskatepark This kid rips!! #circuitbmx #deepend #rhodeisland
Fall is the best time of year to catch some laps in the woods. The temps are perfect and the trails are running fast.  @elih401 making a classic table look good in the woods of RI.  #circuitbmx  #rhodeisland
What do you do when you come out of BMX retirement? You build your  dream bike! That’s what we just dude for @nicholashennigar This is a proper @sandmbicycles @irodetoday Rambler decked out with a @profile_racing drivetrain.  Thanks for the support Nick!! #circuitbmx #supportyourlocalbmxshop
I’ve been laughing and riding with Don Houle @houlesdoingthings for almost 35 years and I hope to keep doing that for the foreseeable future. Stoked to call Don a friend and to build him up his new @sandmbicycles @credence_bikes @over_roast rig. #circuitbmx #donhoule
Not all rigs are the same. This one is built different. @sandmbicycles @moeller_chris out the door today and ready for some summer fun. #circuitbmx #maddog
@klegraefe Spot Master, Wizard Biker!! #circuitbmx
The stoke runs deep with @timmy_ike13 and this Circuit Woodsman Build. Now that’s a bike!! Should we do another run of Woodsman Frames? #circuitbmx
@krobjrbmx made the move out to Southern California a month ago and he has been making the most of it. Stoked to see what’s to come from this dude. Keep killing it Kev!! #circuitbmx
Marley brought everyone together to celebrate the unofficial start of summer. #hennybadger did a turndown to celebrate his 40th year on earth and to make sure his legs are still working.It’s always BMX Celebration in the Green Mountains. 📸 @cappsie @cappsphoto  #circuitbmx #vermont
We are always stoked to get a New England Bad Boy back on the rig. @philmuolotattoo with the perfect @sandmbicycles @credence_bikes MOD build. Thanks for the support Phil! #circuitbmx
All eyes on @krobjrbmx taking the high air at @florideahswampfest This kid is always on 11. #circuitbmx #floridaswampfest2024 📸 @cappsie
Sometimes you need a new rig to get you stoked for trail season. @brad_fardy with his new @sandmbicycles ATF getting ready to rip for 2024. #circuitbmx #trailsrule
We will have a restock of softgoods in about a month including this “No Brains” long sleeve shirt. Stoked on this one. Spring is around the corner. Get stoked!! #circuitbmx #nobrainsallheart
The time has come!! Another batch of Circuit Frames will go into production for this coming season. We present to you the Circuit Woodsman Frame. Built for smooth cruising or big blasting. We are stoked to have these made in the USA by @sandmbicycles  Swipe for geometry and color options. Tap the photo for pre book link. #circuitbmx #woodsmanbmx (20.27 is a typo- 20.75 is the correct size. It’s correct on the store)
Another year well spent doing what we love.  Here’s to 2024!! Thanks to everyone that has supported us through the past 17 years. #circuitbmx #trailsrule #rhodeisland