Custom Wheel Builder
Pick a hub, rim, spokes and extras and our expert mechanics will build your wheel at no additional cost. All wheels will be laced in a 3 cross pattern unless you request differently. Please call or email the shop if you would like to order a part for your wheel that isn't listed here.
If your wheel includes a hub set, make sure you add two sets of spokes and nipples.
Thanks for your order! Call, text, or email if you'd like help constructing your custom wheel order.
Note: (Not visible on storefront)
- Do not change/remove the product options. Otherwise, new variants cannot be generated. This bundle cannot work.
- Do not remove duplicated products manually. Otherwise, you may corrupt the bundle.
- Deleting or turning this bundle product to draft will stop the bundle from working.
- Each variant is a bundle built by a customer, this means that deleting variants will prevent that customer from checking out.
Please wait for a few seconds on the checkout page so the products can be loaded into your cart.