To The Woods-Man!
Looks like we made it through winter in the north east. What a bitter winter it was.
So spring is just about here and so is another Circuit Woodsman Frame Pre Book.
We are doing a small run of 13 this time around.
Once again made by S&M Bikes in Santa Ana Ca.
Best Jam Ever
You know that feeling of when you're doing what you're doing and in that specific moment in time, it feels like the best thing ever. Well that's what the "Best...
More Than A BMX Shop
I built my first real BMX jump in 1987 in a grassy field that covered a city block. Just a few years before, it was my prime choice for snake hunting...
BMX Is More Than Just BMX
Running a BMX Shop is more than just selling bikes and lacing wheels. From the beginning our goal at Circuit BMX was to get involved with local municipalities to create...
New Addition!
Did you know we have a new mini ramp with a spine in Providence? That’s right, it's done and ready to rip. We’ve worked closely for the last few years with...
We did it! Another rad jam in the bucket. The Battle for the Bucket Jam was a huge success. With 10 teams and plenty of others that just hopped in...
Sharing is Rad!
When it comes to the arts of fun Rad Share Non Profit knows how to make it happen. Every Summer we team up with Rad Share and Profile Racing to...
BATTLE FOR THE BUCKET!! Friday, April 19, 2024 Its been 8 years, yes 8 years since we've done the original Circuit Spot Hunt. Well its back but this time we...
If you're familiar with Eric Hennessey then you know what he's capable of. If you're not familiar with him, then sit back and watch this edit of Henny by STEW JOHNSON.
There's a special place in New England called Vermont or the Verde Mountains. Every-time I'm up there it feels like a day is two, time seems to slow down in Vermont.
Yes!! We are doing another run of Circuit frames made in Santa Anna, CA by the fine folks at S&M Bikes.